eMed International Inc®

Suicidal and Homicidal Assessments

Qualification Levels

Emergency Medical Evaluation of Dangerousness

In accordance with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and eMed Colorado™ competency-based qualification guidelines/workshops, ACUTE™/VISTA™ sold by eMed Colorado™ are available only to those professionals and institutions who are appropriately trained to supervise, administer, score, and interpret psychological tests.

To assist in determining eligibility to purchase ACUTE™/VISTA™ assessments by eMed Colorado™, the product overview descriptions have a designated qualification level identified to assist the facility or clinician in determining eligibility to purchase and use ACUTE™/VISTA™.
If you are a purchasing agent for a hospital, emergency department, group practice, or public school district and have eligible professional(s) who will be using/supervising the use of the materials you may purchase eMed Colorado™assessments.  Please contact us to begin this process.

Summary of Qualification Levels

Qualification Level: B

  1. -  A degree from an accredited 4-year college or university in psychology or counseling related field, plus completion of coursework in test interpretation, psychometrics, or closely related areas.
  2. -  OR license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training, experience, and supervision in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests.

Qualification Level: C

  1. -  All level B qualifications, plus an advanced professional degree that provides appropriate training in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests;
  2. -  OR license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training, experience, and supervision in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests.

Qualification: S

  1. -  A degree, certificate, or license to practice a physical or mental health care profession or occupation, plus training, experience, and supervision in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical behavioral assessment instruments.

Relevant supervised clinical experience (i.e., internship, residency, fellowship, etc.) using tests in combination with formal coursework, including eMed Colorado™ workshop training on tests and measurement, individual assessment, or equivalent, qualifies health care providers to purchase and administer ACUTE™/VISTA™ assessments.